Raised in Cuba and steeped in the rich tradition of the Fernandez Cigar Legacy, AJ Fernandez produces unparalleled premium cigars in Esteli, Nicaragua. Ensuring superior quality, the day-to-day operations at Tabacalera AJ Fernandez are managed under the watchful eye of AJ himself.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: Gordo l 6.6 X 60
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres Maduro
Binder: Nicaragua
Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 45 Minutes
A flavorful, potent cigar that offers pleasing notes of espresso, cocoa, spice, pepper, and sweetness for a delicious experience. Its Mexican San Andres maduro wrapper covers a Nicaraguan binder and a Honduran and Nicaraguan filler. Handmade in Nicaragua at AJ Fernandez’s Tabacalera Fernandez factory, the San Lotano Requiem Maduro’s bountiful complexity will have you singing its praises for years to come.
Country & Region
Occasion & Pairing
Pair well with Speyside and some Lowland whiskeys, most Irish whiskeys, rums, bourbons, ryes, ports, or a variety of fuller-bodied beers. Also pairs well with very aromatic wine or Chianti and Cabernet Sauvignon.