Perez-Carrillo, as a name, has been known in the cigar industry for decades. Ernesto, like his father before him, and all those even earlier have all been integrally involved in making cigars for generations. This is the inspiration behind the Perez-Carrillo Series of Cigars. These cigars are created from generations’ worth of knowledge, poured into unique blends, and which culminate as the creations of Ernesto Perez-Carrillo himself. Only these cigars are allowed to bear the name Perez-Carrillo and each vitola is an homage to someone within the family and celebrate the pride, joy, and cigars of the Perez-Carrillo history.
Cigar Details & Composition
El Senador 52x5 (Toro)
Regalia D'Cilia 58x5.8 (Toro)
Wrapper: Mexican San Andres
Filler: Nicaragua
Binder: Ecuador Sumatra
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 30-35 Minutes
The blend is comprised of a San Andres maduro wrapper with an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder and fillers from both Nicaragua and the Dominican Republic. The result is a solid smoke with complex flavors, notes of coca, earth with a nice balance of spice and sweetness.
Country & Region
Dominican Republic