In the Cigar world, attaching the word Private Blend to a cigar line is an indication that the smoke is truly something special. Liga Privada translates to “Private Stock”, and Drew Estate’s Liga Privada T52 Cigars smack of a stogie that was carefully cultivated for a personal collection.
As a follow up to their immensely popular Liga Privada No 9, the T52 is a limited release cigar that does not fail to impress. You can see how important details were in the creation of the T52 Cigar.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: 4*60
Wrapper: Habano
Filler: Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua
Binder: Brazil
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 45-60 Minutes
Vanilla, cream, milk and dark chocolate, cocoa, oak.
Country & Region
Occasion & Pairing
Peaks well as an after dinner cigar with its smooth round richness. Pairs well with those renowned after dinner drinks: bourbon, brandy, cognac.