Revisiting the taste values and exact specifications of the Luxus Collection, this cigar differs from the collection with the unforgiving cut of its wrapper leaves, being shiny and dark with no stains and possessing a tightening of quality inspections of the mixed tobacco.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: Robustos
Wrapper: Costa Rica
Filler: Costa Rica
Binder: Costa Rica
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 30-40 Minutes
This cigar lights up with a kick of flavors and spices, initially awakening you then settling to deliver a smooth smoke full of unique flavors of earthy spices, leather, dark chocolate, and toffee. Pair this with a fine bourbon whiskey or luxurious chocolate.
Country & Region
Costa Rica
Occasion & Pairing
It is recommended to pair it with an aged cognac, scotch or whisky. The distillation process of these drinks infuses them with a variety of flavors that are enhanced by the ageing in wood barrels. The result is a strong and complex drink. Also, it's a great match with peaty Islay, heavier Highland single malts, or dark stouts.