The Toscano cigar is the original Italian cigar manufactured in Tuscany, Italy It is made of high-quality fermented Kentucky tobacco. Founded in the early 19th century, the Toscano cigar is rich in history, tradition and heritage. It is an established brand in Italy and is also well known in Switzerland and Austria.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: Cigarillo
Wrapper: Italy
Filler: Italy
Binder: Italy
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 10-15 Minutes
This little cheroot smells very sweet due to the addition of limoncello flavor. The aromas are subtle and refreshing.
Country & Region
Occasion & Pairing
It's recommended to pair this light body cigar with well-Oaked Chardonnay, Sweet Wine, Blended Scotches, Lighter Beers.