Arturo Fuente cigars are consistently rated among the best cigars in the world. Their reputation for unsurpassed quality, with both flavor and construction, has amassed a loyal following among cigar connoisseurs.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: 49*7.5 l Corona
Wrapper: Under Shade Cuban Seed
Filler: Dominican Republic
Binder: Dominican Republic
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 35 Minutes
No cigar has had quite the impact on the premium cigar industry as the Fuente Fuente OpusX. Since its debut in 1995, the cigar has had a cult following that makes it a rare find in many smoke shops. The brand has been the subject of more than one lawsuit and the target of counterfeiters. It also spawned great controversy as the first cigar sold with a Cuban-seed wrapper grown under shade in the Dominican Republic—a feat that many said simply couldn’t be done. The cigar is the pinnacle of full flavor, with complex tastes ranging from leather to creamy coffee and earth. If you have the patience to age these, they should prove even better in a few years.
Country & Region
Dominican Republic