Camacho Cigars are the torchbearer of the legendary original Corojo leaf. A one-of-a-kind tobacco that began in Cuba and lives on in Camacho Cigars.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: Robusto
Wrapper: Ecuador
Filler: Nicaragua, Honduras, Dominican Republic
Binder: Honduras
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 60 Minutes
In staying true to the flavor profile of Nicaraguan tobacco, this cigar provides spicy, earthy and robust flavours. Beautiful notes of pepper in the retrohale and a subtle sweetness. The cigar is very well balanced and delights with additional flavours of dried fruits and cinnamon. A complex cigar that needs all your attention as there are many different flavours at the same time.
Country & Region
Occasion & Pairing
Exceptionally paired with an aromatic, milk coffee as well as an elegant champagne, or a lightly peated whiskey.