A 6 year old aged tobacco. A small classic cigar that offers excellent combustion with a more mild strength. The Maduro wrapper provides an excellent burn with a withdrawn strength.
Cigar Details & Composition
Shape: Robustos
Wrapper: Costa Rica
Filler: Costa Rica
Binder: Costa Rica
Tasting Notes
Smoking Time (Average): 45-60 Minutes
An abundant volume of smoke appears due to the cigar's smooth structure, providing a lovely aromatic range. This cigar epitomizes consistency and suppleness.
Country & Region
Costa Rica
Occasion & Pairing
It is recommended to pair it with an aged cognac, scotch or whisky. The distillation process of these drinks infuses them with a variety of flavors that are enhanced by the ageing in wood barrels. The result is a strong and complex drink. Also, Pair it with Speyside and some Lowland whiskeys, most Irish whiskeys, rums, bourbons, ryes, ports, or a variety of fuller-bodied beers.